Friday, 11 November 2011

First Society Conference, New Delhi, October 2012

The first conference of the International Society will be held in New Delhi in October 2012 (exact dates to be announced shortly). The conference will be 2 days with submitted abstracts and invited plenary sessions. See you there!


  1. Hoping to get to there. Look forward to more details!

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  5. This is an incredibly sensible suggestion. There is a beer made in Scotland called 'Golden Caledonian Ale' which has won many organic awards several years running. Yet the seeds for the barley that gives this ale its golden flavour were mutagenised in the fifties next to a nuclear reactor. If this constitutes organic farming then there's no reason why biotech crops couldn't be grown 'organically'. Especially considering that in reality conventional crops have been genetically modified, just not transgenically speaking.
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